Having a slow sending speed on Snapchat? These problems may be caused by your device’s network settings, not Snapchat. If your device is using Wi-Fi but still experiencing problems with sending snaps, you can try switching to mobile data. Changing your network settings should resolve this issue, as will re-logging in to the app. Follow these simple steps to fix your Snapchat slow sending speed and start enjoying its full potential again!
First of all, try moving closer to the Wi-Fi router if you have one. If this doesn’t work, try restarting your device. Sometimes, this may solve the problem. Another reason for slow sending is your connection to mobile data. You can try turning off your VPN and restarting your phone to refresh the connection. If this doesn’t fix the problem, you can try clearing your cache. If all else fails, you may need to reinstall the Snapchat application.
You might be experiencing slow-sending issues with some or all of your friends, but you can still send snaps to other users. The problem could be due to a full Cache or a number of other factors, but the simple solution is to clear your cache. By doing this, you will free up some storage space and speed up the app. Try clearing the cache and re-installing the Snapchat app. Then, you can test your snaps.